Defying the Rules (Print on Print)

Most of us might have read a lot of things on how to do a print on print number. And from a perspective of someone who loves to be on the safe side, I might as well drop the idea of being seen in one than to look weird if I do it wrong. But that was the old me. Currently, as long as I find the items appealing and somehow feel that "connection" in them, I would not hesitate to wear them in public whatever rules or guideline I might break. Just like the pieces I wore in this set of photos. 

The Budget Fashion Seeker - Defying the Rules (Print on Print) 1
Printed Blouse P399.75 - Blush (SM Dept. Store)
Printed Skirt P499.75 - Shopaholic (SM Dept. Store)
Necklace P179.00 - Penshoppe
Ring P129.00 - Penshoppe
Shoes P599.75 - Chelsea (SM Dept. Store)

The Budget Fashion Seeker - Defying the Rules (Print on Print) 2

This was the blouse that I mentioned in this post. I bought it along with this printed skirt when my mother and I shopped for my siblings' uniforms and some school supplies. I find it very office appropriate that even if I had not seen that skirt that day, I would still find myself buying it. 

The Budget Fashion Seeker - Defying the Rules (Print on Print) 3

As for the printed skirt, I was first looking at the other color available, which is black and white (same with the blouse). Like I said before, there were online articles I've read regarding guidelines for mixing prints, and one of those is matching different prints with the same color groups. But then I thought that I want one of the two items to stand out, hence I picked the peach colored one. And to highlight the color of the skirt more, I chose just neutral colors for my accessories (white) and shoes (gray). I don't know if you guys find the look interesting and catchy but that's how I felt when I wore this! This  is an outfit I definitely feel proud when I am wearing it.

The Budget Fashion Seeker - Defying the Rules (Print on Print) 4

As for the question I left from my post yesterday, does the blouse still look like worn by kids? It is just a matter of styling right? What do you think?*wink*

The Budget Fashion Seeker - Defying the Rules (Print on Print) 5

The Budget Fashion Seeker - Defying the Rules (Print on Print) 5

The Budget Fashion Seeker - Defying the Rules (Print on Print) 6


  1. Print on print works esp on tailored clothes. I like the pencil skirt, haven't noticed the Shopaholic brand before.

    1. You should try checking it out sis! Shopaholic has affordable items :) the skirt is also available in black and white by the way.

  2. In all fairness, the combination looks good!

    1. You like it too? yey!I'm not sure how others will view it but I am really happy with this combo :)

  3. I like your accessories. I have no patience in styling so I really admire people who put an effort in assembling what to wear. Plus, it all boils down to the confidence of the person wearing the outfit.

    1. Thanks Rose! I don't do this on a daily basis though . But when I feel inspired or if i have an event/meet up with friends, i do plan my outfit (w/ accessories) :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks jocris! It is actually already small for my feet (gave it to my youngest sister already lol). But for the sake of an outfit shot, i borrowed it from her haha!

  5. I might already have mentioned this before but you are one brave girl. I'm one of those who are always on the safe side.. I wouldn't be able to pull this off and you did!

    1. Awww thanks Venus! I'm really happy to read these comments from you and the others. I'm still trying to experiment on wearing (and mixing) clothes I am not comfortable to wear before. I do this so I could learn more about the styles I can pull off and those that I have to skip :p Maybe you can try once in a while? :)

  6. The skirt is a must-have! Would love to wear the same thing to the office!! :)

    1. Yup sis!Your officemates will really notice those eye-catching prints :)

  7. Replies
    1. thanks sis! I have them in other yummy colors. This white one was from penshoppe, while in St. Francis mall, you can get one at P50 each :)

  8. I can totally see myself buying that blouse, really nice find for a great price!

    1. Thanks madellaine! Haha!The fruit of being a "malibot" na shopper lol


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