I've Got the Cropped Top Magic in Me

I'm a bit sad today since it was just this afternoon that I realized my mistake last night. I was supposed to join a recently concluded contest of Forever 21 called "Threebies, My Way". I thought that there was only some delay for their website to show my entry so I did not recheck the mechanics again. But then when I logged in this afternoon, my photos was still not shown under my username so upon checking, I actually submitted an entry with wrong dimension *cry*. That's what happens when you do things in a rush. So next time I decide to join a contest, I promise not to delay submitting until the last few hours (yes, I know it was my fault). Anyway, here is the photo that I intended to be my entry. This post serves as a teaser and I will create separate write ups for each look. As you can see, the item that I wore repeatedly is my black cropped top. I am really in love with this trend that I still want to go back to Forever 21 and buy all the colors available (I saw that they have this in royal blue already!).

I hope you like this teaser photo and please drop by again tomorrow to read more about these outfits. Have a great day!

" I've Got the Cropped Top Magic in Me"


  1. Sally, don't be sad. You are a winner. I would have voted for you :)

  2. aww thanks sis! *hug* Nanghihinayang lang ako knowing na muntik na akong makasali. But upon reading this comment, I feel much better. at least kung sakali, may dalawang boto yung entry. Ikaw at ako haha! Good day sis :)

  3. Very beautiful outfits :)

    I follow you beautiful blog. I hope you will follow me back and I will wait for you in my blog

    1. thank you! i also followed you on gfc. feel free to visit again. :)

  4. Don't be sad,, yes for us your a winner na.. I really like the way you mix and match your clothes .inggit me lol ^_^

    1. thanks sis jocris! na-touch naman ako :) kaya mo rin yan! ako try lang ng try kung anong meron sa cabinet haha!

  5. Make it three votes, another from me. ;) Love your three outfits, especially the first, astig!

    1. yey!thanks sis nathalie! yeah, i love the first one too. medyo feel ko yung pagiging edgy nung look unlike sa unang attempt ko :)

  6. aww sayang :( but it's ok, more contests like that will come up :) isali mo na ako sa votes, that makes 3 votes ;) hehee

    1. i hope so too! and yey for another vote! thanks leda :)

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    1. thanks anni! I am already following you on GFC. thanks! :)

  8. next time you will win na sis! :) your waist is so sexy!!

  9. Aww. Sayang. Slytherin pants for the win.


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