Prom Dresses from Sherry London

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I have been exploring a lot with Pinterest and lately, my pins are mostly about gowns and wedding dresses. I do not actually check most of the original pinners but I remember pinning one of the prom dresses that Pinterest suggested: this beautiful gown from Sherry London UK (below).

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I didn't even realized it then since I just remember seeing the gown and pinning it on my board. So I was surprised to see it as the first gown you will see in their prom dresses 2016 collection! Isn't it gorgeous?

And as you all know me as being the Budget Fashion Seeker, the first thing I checked when their team introduced me to their online store is the price range. Good to know that they have dresses that are 100GBP and below! Not bad of a deal already. Even in the Philippines formal gowns and dresses are roughly in the same range already. And from their cheap prom dresses, below is my choice. What do you think of this 90.98GBP piece?

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It is actually pretty straight forward to use their website, with all the available filters on the site. It would be easier to shop depending on your needs such as when you prefer short prom dresses or if you want to browse by color like choosing among the red prom dresses and black prom dresses.

So if you are in need of gowns for prom or other formal occasions, you may want to check out Sherry London! They deliver to most countries but given that this is from UK, you might want to double check with them first the availability of your chosen dress and the estimated time of delivery prior to ordering. Happy dress shopping!

*This is a sponsored post


  1. Hey Sally, this article was very well written :) I just need to ask if you have personal experience in buying from them? I have heard about his site a long time ago but have seen so many mixed reviews. Most poor reviews are concerning sizing and quality. These are big factors for me that always stopped me from ordering to sites like this.

  2. Oh wow this looks amazing 😍 Ree Love30

  3. Interesting by Pimousse

  4. Just the right thing for me! I have no idea what am I going to wear to my prom. The first one looks so divine! BS, xx |

  5. I have never heard of this brand, nice inspiration!
    These dresses are just way toooo cute!


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